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where is?

thoughts from alavya

Alexis Nina Krespi, September 2013
What is your definition of home? Have you ever verbalized it? Or ever even though about it? What do you consider your “real” home? For many of us, we never really take the time to ponder this question.
For many centuries people lived exactly where they were born. Just recently, people started to move far from their birthplace, across the country, around the globe, never settling in one place for very long. The definitions of home varies greatly from person to person. But regardless of whether you have traveled far and wide or stayed in one location, every human needs a place to call “home”. Somewhere that we feel we can put down roots.

A place that pulls us back again and again over the years.
“Home is where the heart is” , “Home is where you can be yourself”,
“Home is where we go to rest, refuel, and renew ourselves when we have been gone too long”.

A place that pulls us back again and again over the years. “Home is where the heart is” “Home is where you can be yourself” “Home is where we go to rest, refuel, and renew ourselves when we have been gone too long”. There are countless quotes about the power of having a home in our lives. Home can have many different definitions but in the end it is a place that provides us our most basic comforts in life. At home, we are surrounded by friends and family, good food, great conversation, eager listeners, and deep emotional support. These entire components combine together to give us the richness of feeling deeply grounded. When we are grounded, from there that we can venture out into the world, take risks, fail or succeed, knowing that no matter what happens we can always end up back at home, into the open arms of acceptance.

The first time I stepped onto my yoga mat this is what I felt. That I was home. Not in a particular location, or space, but that for the first time I felt at home in my body. I had a feeling of being whole and complete. I felt that my body provided everything that I had been looking for from the external world. Whenever my life seems to be getting a bit hectic or stressful, I know that I can take refuge on my mat, in my own body. When I was offered the opportunity to give classes at Alavya, I figured I would have a suitable room, good food, and nice people around me during my stay. This is not what I found at all. I found a second home! I found a bed that felt like it was made especially for me. I found food that was so healthy, bountiful, and fulfilling that I felt nourished down to my soul. And that people? In one word, Family.

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